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With our applications for the municipal sector, we help to regenerate and reuse wastewater, ensuring the highest water quality for safe and reliable use.


In the municipal sector, AZUD has a clear mission, and that is to solve the supply and sanitation problems of small and medium-sized municipalities, through decentralized installations that save costs in infrastructure, consumption and civil works.

AZUD’s expertise lies both in MBBR (moving bed systems) and in the purification of water from surface sources, contaminated aquifers or seawater, offering the possibility of installing these plants inside a sea container.

Finally, the reclamation of treated water for use in irrigation is a key application in the municipal sector, where AZUD takes advantage of the knowledge of the regulations of each country to select the best water treatment technologies available for a reuse plant.

Cultura del agua - AZUD

At AZUD we are aware that we are in a situation of global climate crisis, uncertainty about the availability of water resources and compromised water quality, so we are responsible for offering the municipal sector solutions that champion the principles of healthy and ecological.

  • Healthy
    Decentralized solutions for water quality assurance in water supply and sanitation
  • Ecological
    Safe regeneration of wastewater and graywater for irrigation and environmental purposes

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