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Filter media protection

Applications/ Filter media protection
Cultura del agua - AZUD

The multimedia filters are necessary in many applications due to the high water quality produced by the depth filtration, but nevertheless, they lose a lot of performance when faced with applications with high suspended solids load or with a lot of load variability, being necessary a stable quality prior to its entry into this type of filters to achieve maximum performance.

Due to the worsening of the quality of the water sources, more and more drinking water treatment and/or reuse facilities are requiring protection of the filter beds or activated carbon, in order to reduce filter media replacement costs, chemical and wash water consumption.

Benefits of filter media protection

Multimedia filter protection:

  • Lower water consumption
    Less frequent cleaning of the filter media with great savings in backwash water consumption.
  • Increased media performance
    Protection of the filter media to maintain its porosity, absorption capacity or ion exchange capacity, optimizing its efficiency and increasing its useful life, and considerably reducing the consumption of reagents used for coagulation and/or flocculation of particles.
  • Reduced risk of preferential channels
    A high solids load trapped in the filter media changes its physical properties, creating uneven pressure points where water flows at higher velocity through preferential channels with almost no contact with the filter media.

Protection of microfiltration cartridges:

  • Reduced cartridge consumption
    Larger particles quickly clog the surface of the microfiltration cartridges, accelerating the need for replacement.
    Improves the sustainability of the system by significantly reducing waste generation.
  • Improved filtration quality
    Improves the fine particle retention capacity of the microfiltration fibers, optimizing the efficiency and life of the microfiltration cartridge.
  • Increased operational safety
    The rapid clogging of microfiltration cartridges causes an exponential increase in working pressure that can put critical system elements such as pumping equipment at risk.

Filter media protection:

  • Reduction of operating costs
    Reduced risk of clogging of water diffuser nozzles and critical elements avoiding unscheduled system shutdowns.
  • Increased productivity
    Increased efficiency of filtration systems with less system downtime for cleaning and maintenance.
  • Longer service life of the installation
    Higher water quality reduces the working pressure of the system, minimizing the risk of breakage and deterioration of equipment and components.

How do we solve it at AZUD Industrial?

Option 1

Higher performance with lower cleaning water consumption in filtration systems with flint media, zeolite, pyrolusite, activated carbon and ion exchange resins.

Option 2

It allows the cleaning water to be re-injected at the headworks, thus reducing the water consumption of the system.

Option 3

Higher filtration performance with less microfiltration cartridge replacement.

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