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Depuradora Godelleta

AZUD helps to restore the water treatment in Godelleta (Valencia) after the DANA

AZUD‘s Industrial division has contributed to the recovery of the water treatment at the Godelleta...

Reducing the water footprint: the great challenge for industries in 2025

Table of contents The water crisis and the iindustrial sectorOptimizing water use in industrial productionDesalinated...
Referencia Cancun

Leading wastewater reclamation in Europe

Table of contents The Region of Murcia: An example of efficient reutilizationCosts and feasibility of...

Water regeneration: sustainable injection into aquifers

Table of contents The importance of water reclamation in a world with water resources in...
Planta Potabilizadora en Pedroso de Acím (Cáceres)

Decentralized water treatment plant helps small municipalities

Table of contents ProblemsBenefitsSolutionAdvantages of containerized solutions AZUD manufactures and commissions the new Contenerized Water...
adblue qué es

How to reduce nitrogen oxide emissions with AdBlue

Table of contents What is AdBlue?AdBlue manufacturing processHow is AdBlue obtained?Filtration to produce AdBlueEfficiency in...
Importancia de la calidad del agua en los Hatcheries

The importance of water quality in a hatchery

Table of contents The fundamental role of fish egg hatcheriesSpecialization and purposes of a hatcheryProcess...

PFAS contamination in drinking water, how to remove it with advanced filtration

Table of contents What are PFASs?Problems Associated with PFASsWater Filtration Solutions by AZUDGlobal Restrictions In...
Microplásticos en el agua, como eliminarlos mediante filtración

Microplastics in water: a global challenge that finds its solution in filtration

Table of contents What are Microplastics?Impact of microplasticsImpact of microplastics on human healthImpact of microplastics...
Reutilización de aguas grises, el camino hacia la sostenibilidad y la certificación LEED

Graywater reuse: the path to sustainability and LEED Certification

Table of contents What is meant by gray water?Grey water reuse plant: AZUD WATERTECH GWDisc...

Process water reuse: closing the water cycle in industry

The concept of water reuse involves reusing water in the same activity in which it...

Catchment water: curiosities and treatments

When choosing the treatments to be carried out in a DWTP (Drinking Water Treatment Plant),...