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Wastewater regeneration

Applications/ Wastewater regeneration
Cultura del agua - AZUD

The regeneration of treated water has gone from being an option to a necessity, mainly due to the great water stress suffered by many countries, with the worsening of both the quality and quantity of water in the usual sources of supply.

Although it is usually used in industrial applications or for street washing, the main use of reclaimed water is in irrigation, and therefore, it is necessary to ensure, through the available technologies, an optimal quality of reclaimed water. It is also essential to achieve very competitive operating costs, so that the use of reclaimed water is more profitable than the use of potable water.

Benefits of wastewater reclamation

  • Biofilm reduction
    The manufacturing material of AZUD Discs (High Density Polyethylene or Polypropylene), together with a high filtration speed and a sequential self-cleaning system of each filter element, prevents the nesting of pathogen colonies on the surface of the filter media.
  • Higher disinfection efficiency
    The removal of solids smaller than 100 µm improves the performance of UV disinfection systems and requires lower residual disinfectant dosage.
  • Increased energy efficiency
    Elimination of small particles that cause a shading effect to ultraviolet radiation, improving transmittance and reducing the UV dose necessary to ensure water disinfection.
    This means lower demands on the dimensioning of the disinfection system and lower energy consumption of the installation.
  • Reduced operating costs
    Autonomous operation of the filtration system without the need for intervention in the self-cleaning process, reducing operating costs and avoiding unscheduled system downtime.
  • Increased productivity
    Increased efficiency of water reclamation treatment with less downtime for cleaning and system maintenance.
  • Longer service life of the installation
    Longer service life and reduced risk of leaks and breakage in highly corrosive environments due to its manufacture with technical thermoplastic material.

How do we solve it at AZUD Industrial?

According to EU Regulation 2020/741
Quality A


AZUD HELIX AUTOMATIC disc filters + Ultrafiltration + Advanced Oxidation.
Suitable for irrigation of food that is consumed raw, and whose edible part is in contact with reclaimed water.

Quality B


AZUD HELIX AUTOMATIC disc filters + UV disinfection.
Suitable for irrigation of food to be consumed raw, with edible part without direct contact with reclaimed water.

Quality C and D


AZUD HELIX AUTOMATIC disc filters + Chemical disinfection.
Suitable for crops with edible part above ground level, without direct contact with reclaimed water and crops intended for industry and energy production.

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