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Tailor-made solutions for any challenge: water quality, size of the installation, compliance with regulations and standards, etc.

© 2023 Azud

Cultura del agua - AZUD

Water treatment projects arise from requirements with complex problems that require an exhaustive engineering study and a tailor-made solution that is able to ensure the desired water quality. Always optimizing the operation and cost.

In addition, high flow projects must be carefully studied, pre-analyzing and customizing each project according to the specific problems encountered in the feedwater. This is the only way toguarantee adequate water quality and comply with the regulations and standards applicable to each project.

Benefits of integrated projects


We are a leading manufacturer of the most important element of a water treatment line; the pre-filtration system.

Our unique AZUD HELIX AUTOMATIC self-cleaning disc filtration equipment ensures the protection, durability and optimal performance of the equipment’s downstream technologies.


Our plug&play containerized plants are a benchmark for quality, compactness, modularity and speed of response.

The containers are adapted and conditioned to facilitate the operation of the plant, and protect the equipment in any outdoor location.


At AZUD we believe that “the best service is the one you don’t need“. For this reason, we design and select technologies to offer an autonomous, robust and reliable solution that guarantees the quality of the treated water with the minimum operation and maintenance costs.

Riego por goteo subterráneo - AZUD

How we solve it at Azud Industrial

RGS subsurface drip irrigation installations require specific design, installation, operation and maintenance criteria to take full advantage of the benefits of this system. The design criteria for determining the layout and sizing of the pipelines are similar to those used in localized surface irrigation, but taking into account that we must consider a series of auxiliary elements in the installation to ensure proper handling, control and maintenance.

The additional auxiliary elements help us to verify that the installation is working properly, allow us to avoid and/or detect clogging problems in the emitters and guarantee a longer service life of the installation. Likewise, some elements help us to have a safer, more efficient and economical maintenance.

Oficinas Azud

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