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Decentralized water treatment plant helps small municipalities

Blog/ News/ Decentralized water treatment plant helps small municipalities
Planta Potabilizadora en Pedroso de Acím (Cáceres)

AZUD manufactures and commissions the new Contenerized Water Treatment Plant (AZUD BOX) for the elimination of iron, manganese and arsenic, in the municipality of Pedroso de Acím (Cáceres), in compliance with the Royal Decree 03/2023, the new regulation in Spain establishes the technical and sanitary criteria for the quality of drinking water, its control and supply.

This milestone has been possible thanks to the collaboration with the construction company Construcción Integral Tesma, S.A. for the execution of the project “Improvement in the quality of the water supply of Pedroso de Acim (Cáceres)”.


  • High concentrations of iron, manganese and arsenic
  • Isolated municipality
  • Pronounced droughts


  • Compliance with parameters of Royal Decree 03/2023
  • Flexibility: Production adapted to demand
  • Sustainable: Exchange bed technology, avoiding rejection discharge


To address this challenge, AZUD presents an effective solution: the AZUD WATERTECH DW PR4.5 compact water treatment plant. This plant employs various technologies depending on the water source to be treated for the supply of drinking water in municipal and industrial applications.

Water Treatment Plant

The drought situation in Spain implies a worsening of water quality. Old drinking water treatment plants have become obsolete and must be supported by complementary or substitute solutions to avoid interruptions in the supply of drinking water.

Speed of response is crucial. AZUD Industrial develops immediate technological solutions to cope with drought. In a matter of 8-10 weeks, a water treatment plant can be built to provide citizens with quality water.

AZUD Industrial is a division of AZUD that develops and manufactures innovative filtration and water treatment solutions for the industrial, municipal and humanitarian sectors.

Advantages of containerized solutions

  • Modular: can expand production if demand increases by adding new containers.
  • Transportable: optimal solution in complex orography or with difficulty to carry out civil works, due to time or space constraints.
  • Resilient: if there is a variation in the composition of the raw water, it can be adapted to the new characteristics by means of new pretreatments.
  • Immediate: its fast design and execution allows to act in case of emergencies.

We thank Construcción Integral Tesma and MásMedio for their confidence in AZUD and congratulations to those involved in making this project a reality.

If you want to know more about AZUD solutions, contact us here.

Our experts are available to advise you and help you find the best municipal water treatment solutions.

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Francisco Peña López