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Innovación hídrica en la industria alimentaria en Uruguay

Una de las principales empresas de carne bovina del mundo enfrenta el desafío constante de combinar crecimiento sostenible con eficiencia operativa.
Caso de éxito
Projects/ Industry/ Comisión Federal de Electricidad reduces its carbon footprint.
Cultura del agua - AZUD

The protection of the cooling towers of CFE (Mexico) eliminates, by means of AZUD HELIX AUTOMATIC ring filters, those solids that hinder optimum energy transfer. Thanks to the AZUD HELIX AUTOMATIC ring filter, energy efficiency is maximized for two reasons:

  1. In the evaporation package itself, the energy exchange between the water and air phases is higher when particles and biofilm are not present.
  2. The pressure drop in the air flow when forced convection is performed through the evaporation package is lower, so the fan requires less energy consumption to circulate the same amount of air.

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